Supply Chain Development
At Ferriot Inc., we understand that the quality of everything we manufacture depends on the optimum functionality of each part and piece that goes into every finished product or subassembly.
In other words: Supply-line development is the critical starting point for ending up with happy customers.
While Ferriot produces molded components in-house, other parts and pieces come from our global network of suppliers.
In sourcing components, we apply the same rigorous selection standards whether we’re searching out simple hinges or complex circuit boards.
The process includes risk management — meaning we begin by verifying the capacity and fiscal soundness of several potential suppliers for each outsourced component. From there, a bidding and qualifying process ensues to ensure that the suppliers we select meet our high standards and deliver on time.
Questions we examine when qualifying suppliers include:
Ferriot’s supplier qualification process typically involves on-site audits for highly complex components.
Ultimately, it’s our job to develop the full supply of parts and pieces for subassemblies and the finished products that we manufacture.
Once we’ve determined what goes into a product, the next step is managing the supply chain.
Learn more about supply-line management at Ferriot and our processes for tracking the on-time delivery and the inspection of hundreds of different components that may go into a single sub- or finished assembly.
Even if you don’t know us, you’ve probably touched our products — in banks, at gas pumps and in offices, industrial facilities and hospitals.
Our expertise includes engineering, product design, injection molding, custom molding, sub- and finished assembly and the on-time delivery of components and finished products for major industry. We streamline the total manufacturing process from start to finish, from supply-line development and management, process qualification, product testing and final assembly, all the way to drop shipping.
With mobile, adaptable manufacturing modules, Ferriot tailors on-time production to vastly different needs, including short runs on assemblies with multiple parts.
With 95 years of institutional experience, a trained workforce averaging nearly 20 years of experience per employee and a 200,000-square-foot facility, Ferriot runs multiple assembly lines around the clock. Our quality-control extends to every product we turn out. Our workers know the rules: With every new set of part prints and specifications, they must train and demonstrate proficiency in the task at hand in order to participate in an assembly.
In products ranging from medical devices to business machines, Ferriot delivers consistent quality, on time, at competitive prices and with the convenience and efficiency of one-stop shopping.
Ferriot’s experienced engineers are here to guide you through every critical step in your injection molding journey, from concept to completion.